My Sweet Honey bought me the most romantic Valentine's Day Gift! A Nikon CoolPix 12 megapixel digital camera! OMG *bounce* It is AWESOME! Has macro, zoom, and VIDEO !
In celebration, I went wild at the Garden Center. So thanks again to May Dreams Gardens and Bloom Day Feb 2011, here goes:
Sea Thrift
Donkeytail Euphorbia
Zebrina Mallow
Winter Honeysuckle
Kerria - Japanese Rose.. (sorry the image is sideways, my computer is giving me fits! I'll try to correct it later as the 'puter allows)
Vinca Minor
English Daisy
Snow Cap Rock Cress
Erisymum en masse Again, sorry for the sideways image *grrrrrrrrr*
White Flowering Currant
Knautia Macedonica
MYSTERY PLANT! Help me identify this beauty, will ya? VERY VERY hugely loverly fragrant! A light sweet "White Shoulders" kind of fragrance.. Could this be my missing Witch Hazel?
Primrose double orange
All these delightful beauties are at McGregor's Nursery! Sure would love to see you!
Happy Gardening!