Sunday, December 13, 2020

Cuppa Thought Fodder -12-13-2020

 ~Morning Cuppa with Thought Fodder ~

I guess I will never understand the White Nationalistic Proud Boys chanting "Christ is King" at the same march where Alex Jones threatens violence to Joe & Kamala after a LEGAL & FAIR election as if this is Christ like in ANY way

I just do not get it. This isn't the Faith I was raised in and came to know

I also do not understand how struggling Christians can possibly believe God wants them to give their worldly belongings to Paula White or Joel Osteen et al-the Prosperity Gospel Televangelist thieves -
when Jesus was pretty specific about his thoughts on material wealth and money lenders... I see no LOVE in this Administration, nor in this Religious Cult of the Prosperity Gospel.

Do you see any love in these past 4 years of the #Trumpery Administration? I see advocating violence and "other-ism" and cruelty towards the poor, the immigrant, the disabled, women, those who worship God or the Universe in their own way & our Trans, LGBTQ & BIPOC Fellow Americans. I see hate, and rage, and an over powering fear of change. These things are not Christ-like. Convince me I'm wrong.

I truly believe that as #Trumpery has "done for" the GOP - making of them a spineless power-hungry force for evil and twisting the Republican Party so as to become unrecognizable -there are now TWO Republican sects -Cult Trumpists & the Party of Lincoln- and as he has "done for" his Party, so too has Trumpery's prosperity evangelists "done for" the Christian Faith. He has broken the Republican Party & TRIED DAMNED HARD to break Democracy for his own selfish greed & need. #Trump4Prison

They are all like the Boy Who Cried Wolf, liars and now no one believes them. They are false Christians and they have deceived the People (Isaiah 29:13 )

"I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive."

Before Christ's Sermon on the Mount, the "highest commandment" was The Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. (Which is a pretty derned simple & priceless Rule to Live By along with those 2 "most important" Commandments, eh?) The #Trumpery Administration has done more to betray Christ's Teachings than any other American "leader" in our History ... I foresee Christianity taking a HUGE societal hit as a direct result of the Cruelty encouraged these past 4 years.

I am so very saddened by this disillusionment of my Fellow Americans -because they ARE my Fellow Americans, tho they be following evil. How do we reach them through their toxic fog of hate & rage? It's HARD to turn the other cheek when the results affect not just the "Cheek Turner", but their entire one mile radius of innocents.. How do we break on through to the other side?

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