Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Cuppa Thought Fodder ~ Dec 23rd, 2020 Thoughts on #Covid19

 So many people seem to take their immortality for granted. ESPECIALLY those who have either recovered from a mild case of #Covid19, OR who know NO ONE who has come down with a severe case, and thus, for them, it does not exist.

Must be nice to live in a bubble where the actions of strangers do not directly affect your well being. Guess you gotta be rich. Matt Gaetz of Florida @mattgaetz stated "I didn’t get vaccinated and have no plans to be. Having relatively recently tested positive for antibodies, I’m no risk to anyone." Except, HE IS A DANGER. Or at least he COULD be according to actual epidemiologists. Nice to know that he's been hiding his medical degree along with his son. More Evidence That You Can Get Covid-19 Coronavirus Twice They reference this website -updated daily- which tracks reinfection of #TrumpPlague COVID-19 reinfection tracker and Suspected cases of COVID-19 reinfection

Several Doctors specializing in cancer care state "Thou Shalt Not Enter" even if you've recovered because we just don't know how this #TrumpPlague can mutate, can reinfect, or can break immunity. MD Anderson Cancer Center ~Recovered from COVID-19? 4 things to know and state: "These findings suggest that at least a proportion of recovered patients still may be virus carriers," the researchers wrote. I don't know about y'all, but I'm not willing to take that kind of risk with someone else's life, not to mention my own, just because of arrogant ignorance & political aspirations.  Can people spread coronavirus after they recover? which begs the question: "The challenge is, how fast does this mutate?" Johnson said.
and on mutation, we find we know as much as we know and we have a lot to learn as people die. Implications of the Emerging SARS-CoV-2 Variant VOC 202012/01 The UK has sure been hit hard with this one. Doctors Explain the New Mutant Coronavirus Strain That Shut Down the U.K.  

On Herd Mentality .. err I mean Herd Immunity  

 It requires 70% of the population to have been infected and recover. Or die. On the road to herd immunity, vaccination speeds the journey Last week #Trumpery was glory halleluyahing over the fact that we are at 15% infection rate and that is with OVER 326,239 dead American citizens.
Is this sustainable in any other universe except within the bubble #Trumpery lives ??

You develop immunity over a period of time. And I hear we're close to 15%, I'm hearing that, and that's terrific, that's a very powerful vaccine in itself," he told reporters on Tuesday." 

So like Bruce Y. Lee, Senior Contributor of HEALTHCARE says,

"So even if you’ve recovered from having Covid-19, don’t assume that you can’t get the infection again. Don’t assume that the infection will be less severe the second time round. Don’t assume that it won’t be worse. And for Pete’s sake and everyone else’s, don’t tweet out that you are immune to the virus. There could be many holes in that assumption. "

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